Book Tease

...continuing the chapter from the Home Page "tease"

Inwardly, he’s impressed with the soft, smooth, muscular curvature of that ass. He wonders if he might bend his needles trying to get them in.

And every time they come in to give her a shot in the ass, they ask her which butt-cheek’s turn it is. She takes a guess.

In and out of morphine fog, she is more doped up than Elvis. She’s constantly itchy. Like cobwebs and little spiders are constantly crawling up her back, her arms, tickling her.

She vaguely remembers visitors coming by to check on her, but cannot remember them all. Booh, Streak, and her other teammates swing by with flowers, little gifts and cards, and they all sign her cast. She is well loved. Her cast tells her any visitor she doesn’t remember.

Dang, the Pope could have visited, and I would not have even known it.”

Toward the end of the week, a different nurse keeps asking Ryleigh if she’s had a bowel movement.

Oh, ugh! Why do they keep asking me that?!”

She keeps telling them she has, since there are many nurses on each shift and they will not know any better. She’s afraid of what they might do to her, if they knew she had not. Ryleigh is very constipated from the pain drugs, but really does not realize it.

She would have stomach cramps, except the pain killers are working very well. She figures maybe she doesn’t have to go, as she never remembers eating.

A tall nurse comes in and asks again a few days later. Same answer. Then Ryleigh accidentally poisons the air with a noxious fart that immediately fills the room.

The nurse who is in her 40s, and a rather big comely woman that no one is going to fool, says, “Oh no you don’t. You bad girl. You’ve been lying to me. I’ll be right back!” and rushes out the room.

She comes right back with an enema bag and a bed pan. She rolls Ryleigh over and sticks a tube up her butt, puts the bed pan under her and leaves.

Ryleigh grabs her stomach as it cramps up and hurts, and starts rattling. She breaks out in a sweat and her face goes red. Then the dam breaks.

Even though a little girl, she fills up the bed pan immediately. Ryleigh is panicked.

The nurse returns, but is taken back by the smell, so she leaves and comes immediately back with a mask on like she was going to go scuba diving, with gear in her hands. She starts spraying a can of Lysol all over the room and into the hallway.

Suddenly the coma woman wakes up moaning. The quack lady stops and someone down the hall yells, “What the hell is that smell?!”

Then more people start sounding off. The nurse removes the bed pan, and slides another one under Ryleigh…just in case. And sprints away.

Ryleigh realizes it is the best she’s felt in days, but the smell is overpowering. Her Floor Three is a mess. It has permeated the walls now and left a residue.

It must have gotten into the curtains!”

Her doctor, Superman gets the report, and reams Ryleigh for not going sooner in his most polite comforting way.

This is not healthy for you, and it’s rude to all the nurses and other patients.”

Ryleigh now can only laugh, “Hey, I did get the lady in the other bed to come out of her coma.”

She was hated on Floor Three, Floor Two, and Floor Four for quite some time.

But she doesn’t really remember most of it. She feels she was only on Floor Three a few minutes anyway, and is glad to go home. And maybe the spiders will stop tickling her.

“Well behaved women rarely make history” – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


Warm-Up before a competition, then suddenly shy! Too cute. “Nope, I didn’t do that!”